automx - Mobile Client settings not discovered

Tony tony at
Thu Jul 12 14:58:50 CEST 2018


I have automx working well to discover mail settings for desktop mail 
clients like Thunderbird. The only issue I am seeing is with the mobile 
client config. For example, using the master branch I move the 'html' 
folder to my web root /srv/http. When I specify the email address and 
optionally name/password, automx hits a "Not Found" message where it 
cannot find mobileconfig. Here is a snippet of my Apache 2.4 config. 
Note I am not signing any mobile configs.

  <IfModule mod_wsgi.c>
     WSGIScriptAlias /Autodiscover/Autodiscover.xml 
     WSGIScriptAlias /autodiscover/autodiscover.xml 
     WSGIScriptAlias /mobileconfig /usr/lib/automx/
     <Directory "/usr/lib/automx">
       Require all granted

When I use the mobileclient branch, clicking "Create configuration!" 
does not respond at all. The main difference between the master and 
mobileclient branch is that the mobileclient branch does include an 
automx.html file, but master does not. Instead, for master, I have gone 
and renamed index.html.en as index.html, but I still get nothing but a 
"Not Found" error.

The automx logs does not show anything while in verbose mode unless I 
use the automx-test script.

-- test ---

Testing Autodiscover (mobilesync) ...
Connecting to ...

   HTTP/1.1 200 OK
   Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2018 12:45:35 GMT
   Server: Apache
   Content-Length: 504
   Vary: Accept-Encoding
   Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=100
   Connection: Keep-Alive
   Content-Type: text/xml
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
       <EmailAddress>user at</EmailAddress>

--- test ---

As you can see above the Settings are empty. Below is the verbose log 
for mobile.

--- verbose mobileconfig ---

2018-07-12 05:45:36,086 DEBUG: --------------- BEGIN environ 
2018-07-12 05:45:36,088 DEBUG: GATEWAY_INTERFACE: CGI/1.1
2018-07-12 05:45:36,088 DEBUG: SERVER_PROTOCOL: HTTP/1.1
2018-07-12 05:45:36,088 DEBUG: REQUEST_METHOD: POST
2018-07-12 05:45:36,088 DEBUG: QUERY_STRING:
2018-07-12 05:45:36,088 DEBUG: REQUEST_URI: /mobileconfig
2018-07-12 05:45:36,088 DEBUG: SCRIPT_NAME: /mobileconfig
2018-07-12 05:45:36,088 DEBUG: HTTP_USER_AGENT: Wget/1.19.5 (linux-gnu)
2018-07-12 05:45:36,089 DEBUG: HTTP_ACCEPT: */*
2018-07-12 05:45:36,089 DEBUG: HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING: identity
2018-07-12 05:45:36,089 DEBUG: HTTP_HOST:
2018-07-12 05:45:36,089 DEBUG: HTTP_CONNECTION: Keep-Alive
2018-07-12 05:45:36,089 DEBUG: CONTENT_TYPE: 
2018-07-12 05:45:36,089 DEBUG: CONTENT_LENGTH: 65
2018-07-12 05:45:36,089 DEBUG: SERVER_SIGNATURE:
2018-07-12 05:45:36,089 DEBUG: SERVER_SOFTWARE: Apache
2018-07-12 05:45:36,090 DEBUG: SERVER_NAME:
2018-07-12 05:45:36,090 DEBUG: SERVER_ADDR: 66.x.x.x
2018-07-12 05:45:36,090 DEBUG: SERVER_PORT: 80
2018-07-12 05:45:36,090 DEBUG: REMOTE_ADDR: 66.x.x.x
2018-07-12 05:45:36,090 DEBUG: DOCUMENT_ROOT: /usr/lib/automx
2018-07-12 05:45:36,090 DEBUG: REQUEST_SCHEME: http
2018-07-12 05:45:36,090 DEBUG: CONTEXT_PREFIX:
2018-07-12 05:45:36,090 DEBUG: CONTEXT_DOCUMENT_ROOT: /usr/lib/automx
2018-07-12 05:45:36,090 DEBUG: SERVER_ADMIN: webmaster at
2018-07-12 05:45:36,090 DEBUG: SCRIPT_FILENAME: 
2018-07-12 05:45:36,090 DEBUG: REMOTE_PORT: 43224
2018-07-12 05:45:36,090 DEBUG: PATH_INFO:
2018-07-12 05:45:36,090 DEBUG: mod_wsgi.script_name: /mobileconfig
2018-07-12 05:45:36,091 DEBUG: mod_wsgi.path_info:
2018-07-12 05:45:36,091 DEBUG: mod_wsgi.process_group:
2018-07-12 05:45:36,091 DEBUG: mod_wsgi.application_group:|/mobileconfig
2018-07-12 05:45:36,091 DEBUG: mod_wsgi.callable_object: application
2018-07-12 05:45:36,091 DEBUG: mod_wsgi.request_handler: wsgi-script
2018-07-12 05:45:36,091 DEBUG: mod_wsgi.handler_script:
2018-07-12 05:45:36,091 DEBUG: mod_wsgi.script_reloading: 1
2018-07-12 05:45:36,091 DEBUG: mod_wsgi.listener_host:
2018-07-12 05:45:36,091 DEBUG: mod_wsgi.listener_port: 443
2018-07-12 05:45:36,091 DEBUG: mod_wsgi.enable_sendfile: 0
2018-07-12 05:45:36,091 DEBUG: mod_wsgi.ignore_activity: 0
2018-07-12 05:45:36,091 DEBUG: mod_wsgi.request_start: 1531399536026361
2018-07-12 05:45:36,091 DEBUG: mod_wsgi.request_id: +aJavex/yrY
2018-07-12 05:45:36,091 DEBUG: mod_wsgi.script_start: 1531399536050951
2018-07-12 05:45:36,092 DEBUG: wsgi.version: (1, 0)
2018-07-12 05:45:36,092 DEBUG: wsgi.multithread: False
2018-07-12 05:45:36,092 DEBUG: wsgi.multiprocess: True
2018-07-12 05:45:36,092 DEBUG: wsgi.run_once: False
2018-07-12 05:45:36,092 DEBUG: wsgi.url_scheme: https
2018-07-12 05:45:36,092 DEBUG: wsgi.errors: <_io.TextIOWrapper 
name='<wsgi.errors>' encoding='utf-8'>
2018-07-12 05:45:36,092 DEBUG: wsgi.input: <mod_wsgi.Input object at 
2018-07-12 05:45:36,092 DEBUG: wsgi.input_terminated: True
2018-07-12 05:45:36,093 DEBUG: wsgi.file_wrapper: <class 
2018-07-12 05:45:36,093 DEBUG: apache.version: (2, 4, 29)
2018-07-12 05:45:36,093 DEBUG: mod_wsgi.version: (4, 5, 24)
2018-07-12 05:45:36,093 DEBUG: mod_wsgi.total_requests: 1
2018-07-12 05:45:36,093 DEBUG: mod_wsgi.thread_id: 0
2018-07-12 05:45:36,093 DEBUG: mod_wsgi.thread_requests: 1
2018-07-12 05:45:36,093 DEBUG: --------------- END environ 
2018-07-12 05:45:36,093 DEBUG: Request POST (raw)
_mobileconfig=true&cn=&emailaddress=user at
2018-07-12 05:45:36,096 DEBUG: {'_mobileconfig': ['true'], 
'emailaddress': ['user at']}
2018-07-12 05:45:36,096 DEBUG: Requesting mobileconfig configuration
2018-07-12 05:45:36,096 DEBUG: Entering data.configure()
2018-07-12 05:45:36,101 DEBUG: STATIC OrderedDict([('smtp_server', 
''), ('smtp_port', '587'), ('smtp_encryption', 
'starttls'), ('smtp_auth', 'cleartext'), ('smtp_auth_identity', 'user'), 
('smtp_refresh_ttl', '6'), ('smtp_default', 'Yes')])
2018-07-12 05:45:36,101 DEBUG: STATIC OrderedDict([('imap_server', 
''), ('imap_port', '993'), ('imap_encryption', 'ssl'), 
('imap_auth', 'cleartext'), ('imap_auth_identity', 'crt'), 
('imap_refresh_ttl', '6')])
2018-07-12 05:45:36,101 DEBUG: Entering view()
2018-07-12 05:45:36,104 DEBUG: Response:

--- verbose mobileconfig ---

I don't understand how to fix this or why this is a problem. I did 
stumble upon this archive which looks similar to the problem I'm facing 
with automx:

I'm wondering if the mobileconfig steps somehow changed. Can you please 


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