Update on stats 2023-03

Viktor Dukhovni ietf-dane at dukhovni.org
Sat Apr 1 06:28:46 CEST 2023

Summary:  The DANE domain count is now 3,757,347 (c.f. 3,736,374 last

          The number of domains that return DNSSEC-validated replies in
          response to MX queries is 21,668,375 (up from 21,281,794 last
          month).  Thus DANE TLSA is deployed on ~17.34% of domains with
          DNSSEC.  For more stats, see <https://stats.dnssec-tools.org/>.
          [ See the Credits[0] list below my signature. ]

As of today, I count ~3.76 million domains with correct SMTP DANE TLSA records
at every primary MX host that accepts connections[1].  As expected, the bulk of
the DANE domains are hosted by the DNS/email hosting providers who've enabled
DANE support for the customer domains they host.  The top 20 MX host providers
by domain count are below.

  This month                   Last Month
  ----------                   ----------
  1216468 one.com              1215654 one.com
   291651 hostpoint.ch          289485 hostpoint.ch
   198402 infomaniak.ch         196800 infomaniak.ch
   171386 mijndomein.nl         172687 mijndomein.nl
   168662 transip.nl            167821 transip.nl
   150632 argewebhosting.nl     149959 argewebhosting.nl
   132031 simply.com            134211 simply.com
   131058 jouwweb.nl            125968 jouwweb.nl
   111481 hostnet.nl            111664 hostnet.nl
   109384 domeneshop.no         108890 domeneshop.no
   105514 loopia.se             105306 loopia.se
    93365 webhostingserver.nl    93785 webhostingserver.nl
    81969 forpsi.com             81009 forpsi.com
    70541 zxcs.nl                69228 zxcs.nl
    42507 active24.com           43479 active24.com
    40146 antagonist.nl          39825 antagonist.nl
    38632 webreus.nl             38913 webreus.nl
    38462 protonmail.ch          37357 protonmail.ch
    31898 pcextreme.nl           32264 pcextreme.nl
    29021 xel.nl                 29069 xel.nl

The real numbers are surely larger, because I don't have access to the
full zone data for most ccTLDs, especially .br, .cz, .fr, .eu, .no, .be,
.pl, .de and .uk.  Speaking of countries, the IPv4 GeoIP distribution of
DANE-enabled MX hosts shows the below top 20 countries (each unique IP
address is counted, so multi-homed MX hosts are perhaps somewhat

  This month                Last month
  -----------               ----------
  10944 TOTAL               10767 TOTAL
   3373 DE, Germany          3307 DE, Germany
   1893 NL, Netherlands      1878 NL, Netherlands
   1881 US, United States    1848 US, United States
    795 FR, France            785 FR, France
    423 CZ, Czechia           407 CZ, Czechia
    360 GB, United Kingdom    352 GB, United Kingdom
    248 FI, Finland           244 FI, Finland
    210 CA, Canada            212 CA, Canada
    183 AT, Austria           172 AT, Austria
    143 CH, Switzerland       148 CH, Switzerland
    142 SE, Sweden            137 SE, Sweden
    136 DK, Denmark           135 DK, Denmark
    133 AU, Australia         134 AU, Australia
    117 SG, Singapore         117 SG, Singapore
     84 PL, Poland             78 PL, Poland
     60 RU, Russia             60 RU, Russia
     59 JP, Japan              58 JP, Japan
     51 NO, Norway             46 NO, Norway
     42 IT, Italy              45 IT, Italy
     41 BR, Brazil             44 BR, Brazil

IPv6 is less common than IPv4 for MX hosts, and the top 20 countries by
DANE MX host IPv6 GeoIP are:

  This month               Last month
  ----------               ----------
  8576 TOTAL               8447 TOTAL
  3700 NL, Netherlands     3654 NL, Netherlands
  2466 DE, Germany         2411 DE, Germany
   887 US, United States    863 US, United States
   374 FR, France           320 GB, United Kingdom
   173 CZ, Czechia          257 FR, France
   170 GB, United Kingdom   172 CZ, Czechia
   107 FI, Finland           74 FI, Finland
    80 CA, Canada            74 AU, Australia
    71 AU, Australia         73 CA, Canada
    65 CH, Switzerland       68 CH, Switzerland
    59 SE, Sweden            62 SE, Sweden
    59 AT, Austria           59 AT, Austria
    43 SG, Singapore         44 SG, Singapore
    36 JP, Japan             36 JP, Japan
    25 DK, Denmark           23 NO, Norway
    24 NO, Norway            22 DK, Denmark
    21 RO, Romania           20 RO, Romania
    19 IE, Ireland           19 BR, Brazil
    17 UA, Ukraine           18 IE, Ireland
    15 BR, Brazil            16 UA, Ukraine

There are 9,085 unique zones (8,914 last month) in which the underlying
MX hosts are found.  This counts each of the above providers as just one
zone, so is a measure of the breadth of adoption in terms of
organizations deploying DANE SMTP.

The number of published MX host TLSA RRsets found is 19,555 (19,359 last
month).  These cover 19,853 distinct MX hosts (19,653 last month, some
MX hosts share the same TLSA records through CNAMEs).

The number of DANE domains that at some point were listed in Gmail's
email transparency report is 913 (this is my ad-hoc criterion for a
domain being a large-enough actively used email domain).  Of these, 550
are in recent (last 90 days of) reports (see [2] below my signature).

Of the ~3.76 million DANE domains, 12,979 (12,926 last month) have
"partial" TLSA records, that cover only a subset of the (secondary) MX
hosts.  While this protects traffic to some of the MX hosts, such
domains are still vulnerable to the usual active attacks via the
remaining MX hosts.

The number of domains with incorrect TLSA records or failure to offer
STARTTLS (even though TLSA records are published) stands today at 3,354
(3,139 last month).  Some of these have additional MX hosts that don't
have broken TLSA records, so mail can still arrive via the remaining MX
hosts.  The affected domain counts for the top 10 problem MX hosts are:

   1780   mail-in.box.nl
    110   mail.blueconsulting.cz
     38   mail.itcomputers.net
     37   mx1.mdbraber.com
     31   mx1.synetcon.net
     24   cloud.onvori.com
     18   semark.dk
     18   mx1.traxion.com
     16   mx1.iis.se
     15   mail.return-path.dk

To avoid email outages, please make sure to monitor the validity of your
own TLSA records, and implement a reliable key rotation procedure.  See:



After eliminating parked domains that do not accept email, the number of
"real" email domains with bad DNSSEC support stands at 2,998 (3,237 last
month).  The top 10 name server operators with problem domains are:

  This Month            Last month
  ----------            ----------
  1868 neostrada.nl     2064 neostrada.nl
   117 worldnic.com      133 worldnic.com
    83 epik.com          101 online.net
    79 dnssrv.nl          97 dnssrv.nl
    71 ebola.cz           88 axc.nl
    46 openprovider.nl    84 epik.com
    17 register.com       72 ebola.cz
    16 sectigoweb.com     60 openprovider.nl
    12 ispapi.net         20 register.com
    10 axc.nl             17 sectigoweb.com

If anyone has good contacts at some of these providers, please encourage
them to remediate not only the broken domains (I can send them a list),
but also the root cause that makes the breakage possible.

Just one of the domains whose nameservers have broken denial of
existence appears in the last 120 days of Google transparency reports:



[0] Credits: The coverage of DNSSEC domains continues to improve with
ongoing data support from Paul Vixie of Farsight Security.  Credits also
due to ICANN for gTLD data via CZDS, and to the TLD registries for .CH,
.COM, .DK, .FI, .FR, .INFO, .IS, .LI, .NL, .NU, .ORG and .SE.  More data
sources of ccTLD signed delegations welcome.

[1] Some domains deliberately include MX hosts that are always down,
presumably as a hurdle to botnet SMTP code that gives up where real MTAs
might persist.  I am not a fan of this type of defence (it can also
impose undue latency on legitimate email).  However, provided the dead
hosts still have TLSA records, (which don't need to match anything, just
need to exist and be well-formed) there's no loss of security.

[2] DANE domains appearing in last 90 days of Google Email transparency

univie.ac.at             westlotto.de             mailmore.nl
gmx.at                   allbuy.dk                mailon.nl
boozyshop.be             annes-atelier.dk         mailplus.nl
cetelemnegocie.com.br    australian-bodycare.dk   managementboek.nl
e-negociacao.com.br      avabeauty.dk             markteffectmail.nl
e-renegocie.com.br       barons.dk                marktnet.nl
nic.br                   bog.dk                   mcmta.nl
registro.br              borgerforslag.dk         messen.nl
20km.ch                  byravn.dk                mijndomein.nl
activfitness-news.ch     camillakroeyer.dk        mijnhypotheekonline.nl
blackout-bonusclub.ch    computerworld.dk         minbzk.nl
cbd420.ch                damask.dk                mindef.nl
coronavirusensuisse.ch   danielspengetips.dk      mm1.nl
gmx.ch                   dfi.dk                   netpoint.nl
handy-abovergleich.ch    digst.dk                 netpointfactoring.nl
hostpoint.ch             dk-hostmaster.dk         nieuwsservice-rvo.nl
infomaniak.ch            ens.dk                   noties.nl
msochrono.ch             fibianet.dk              ns.nl
open.ch                  foraeldresparring.dk     nuudcare.nl
protonmail.ch            gastrotools.dk           orangebag.nl
sms-gagnant.ch           gibbu.dk                 otys.nl
switch.ch                globestudios.dk          ouderenfonds.nl
youcinema.ch             idelig.dk                ouderportaal.nl
santeglobale.club        ixstudioscph.dk          overheid.nl
simplelogin.co           kfst.dk                  oxilion.nl
albourne.com             kodbilen.dk              oxilionhosted.nl
altospam.com             konkurspriser.dk         parlement.nl
anonaddy.com             kystfisken.dk            partijvoordedieren.nl
ansigtsyogaonline.com    labelking.dk             partnermail.nl
aotax.com                lacabra.dk               paypro.nl
appliedgo.com            localfitness.dk          petsonline.nl
azgop.com                mobilcovers.dk           ploegendienst-festival.nl
beaconx.com              musclehouse.dk           podiumcadeaukaart.nl
cm.com                   netic.dk                 politie.nl
colourfulrebel.com       nimara.dk                pp-prd.nl
connectsb.com            nordd.dk                 previder.nl
cryptowallet.com         nota.dk                  prorun-mail.nl
datev.com                opdagverden.dk           pvv.nl
denhaag.com              peterhald.dk             quicknet.nl
exegy.com                rmc.dk                   rdw.nl
fabfilter.com            seniornews.dk            rechtspraak.nl
farmergracy.com          shapeit.dk               rijksoverheid.nl
fastware-hosting.com     shellcard.dk             rivm.nl
financialafrik.com       skjold-burne.dk          rvo.nl
flaneurhomme.com         sneakerzone.dk           sans-mail.nl
gmx.com                  soelvstein.dk            schoudercom.nl
groed.com                stil.dk                  schuurman-schoenen.nl
habr.com                 stori.dk                 shampoobars.nl
highcharts.com           themeatclub.dk           shoesme.nl
infomaniak.com           thesneakerstore.dk       sizzthebrand.nl
ingthink.com             tricommerce.dk           smartwatchbanden.nl
isistrade.com            trueliving.dk            soclever.nl
johnbeerens.com          uni-c.dk                 spamservice.nl
joomlapolis.com          uvm.dk                   sportrusten.nl
jula.com                 venderbys.dk             ssonet.nl
kabayarefashion.com      yuaiahaircare.dk         stater.nl
klbrlive.com             tilburguniversity.edu    surf.nl
leszexpertsfle.com       just.ee                  surfspot.nl
librti.com               turunduslabor.ee         susanbijl.nl
mactabeauty.com          zone.ee                  svb.nl
mail.com                 envie.email              teamq14.nl
mplbeauty.com            myownconference.email    technishow.nl
nanolearning.com         spam-filter.email        telefoonglaasje.nl
nine-pine.com            spike.email              thealphamen.nl
offshorecorptalk.com     spotler.email            tno.nl
one.com                  talentech.email          transip.nl
orsys.com                nuudcare.es              travelclown.nl
pieter-pot.com           triodos.es               triodos.nl
pompomlondon.com         egu.eu                   truetickets.nl
ppcpcv.com               litebit.eu               tudelft.nl
protonmail.com           qard.eu                  tweedekamer.nl
protonvpn.com            skhosting.eu             uitgeverijpica.nl
renworkshops.com         tbibank.eu               upcmail.nl
run-motion.com           zonevs.eu                uvt.nl
sankakucomplex.com       fsol.fi                  uwv.nl
schizinfo.com            handelsbanken.fi         valys.nl
scorecloud.com           metaburn.fi              venauto.nl
serverclienti.com        tarjousrinki.fi          vimexx.nl
solvinity.com            ac-strasbourg.fr         vogeldagboek.nl
speciale-offre.com       braceletsmartwatch.fr    voorschoten.nl
stater.com               chiens-guides-idf.fr     vunzigedeuntjes.nl
stellarequipment.com     compagnie-des-sens.fr    wassenaar.nl
t-2.com                  edtm-actu.fr             watchbandjes-shop.nl
tcs.com                  nuudcare.fr              waternet.nl
thalesgroup.com          oo2.fr                   webreus.nl
thegreenery.com          privea.fr                wierden.nl
theintercept.com         fidesz.hu                ziggo.nl
thepcw.com               italiamail.hu            zorgmail.nl
thepcwholesale.com       mszp.hu                  akt.no
thesmmacademy.com        bluebiz.info             babybanden.no
triodos.com              eurocontrol.int          bergengokart.no
truewaykids.com          rootnet.io               bull-ski-kajakk.no
tutanota.com             nuudcare.it              chillout.no
up2staff.com             neolink.link             domeneshop.no
veganallsorts.com        education.lu             guttelus.no
veka.com                 anonaddy.me              handelsbanken.no
vendiblelabs.com         pm.me                    hoppin.no
vivaldi.com              proton.me                hyttefeber.no
webcruiter.com           army.mil                 idrettenonline.no
webmailph.com            dla.mil                  kashmina.no
win-rar.com              health.mil               lagerpriser.no
xfinity.com              jten.mil                 marikrogshus.no
xfinityhomesecurity.com  mail.mil                 mystuff.no
xfinitymobile.com        navy.mil                 nordicprint.no
bncr.fi.cr               osd.mil                  norskgrammatikk.no
airbank.cz               socom.mil                raskebriller.no
akce-incomputer.cz       uscg.mil                 rushtrampoline.no
avatech.cz               usmc.mil                 sillysanta.no
bewooden.cz              apnic.net                spillfabrikken.no
cokoladovnajanek.cz      benjaminfulford.net      storytravel.no
csob.cz                  bleucitron.net           uib.no
csobstavebni.cz          comcast.net              viphuset.no
cuni.cz                  ewetel.net               atelkamera.nu
dashofer.cz              ficbook.net              goget.nu
dedra.cz                 fivem.net                lenhud.nu
e-kondomy.cz             gmx.net                  aegee.org
fio.cz                   habramail.net            debian.org
fnusa.cz                 hr-manager.net           freebsd.org
gov.cz                   mijngezondheid.net       gentoo.org
hypotecnibanka.cz        mpssec.net               ietf.org
itesco.cz                procurios.net            irtf.org
jcu.cz                   ripe.net                 isc.org
kb.cz                    riseup.net               mailbox.org
klenotyaurum.cz          soverin.net              mailop.org
klubpevnehozdravi.cz     t-2.net                  netbsd.org
ksporting.cz             transip.net              openssl.org
manymail.cz              webreus.net              ozlabs.org
mbank.cz                 4ps.nl                   postfix.org
mfcr.cz                  amsterdam.nl             samba.org
mkluzkoviny.cz           aquastorexl.nl           torproject.org
mojedatovaschranka.cz    artsenzorg.nl            brebank.com.pl
mrakyhracek.cz           bankhoesdiscounter.nl    cm-portimao.pt
muni.cz                  belastingdienst.nl       loopia.rs
mzv.cz                   beterinbeleggen.nl       mobily.com.sa
nic.cz                   beterspellen.nl          arbetsformedlingen.se
o2.cz                    bewustpuur.nl            bearplayshop.se
optimail.cz              bhosted.nl               bilprovningen.se
outlet-alpine.cz         bit.nl                   bollnas.se
poptavej.cz              blushfashionstore.nl     crtzoo.se
predplatit.cz            bobo.nl                  ecster.se
scrptd.cz                body-supplies.nl         ellevio.se
server4u.cz              boekwinkeltjes.nl        enkoping.se
smtp.cz                  bolerolimonadewinkel.nl  fashion-copenhagen.se
stoklasa.cz              boozyshop.nl             halmstad.se
sukl.cz                  bruut.nl                 handelsbanken.se
tiscali.cz               burgernet.nl             hellomantle.se
trilimi.cz               camperexpo.nl            huskvarnafolketspark.se
vas-server.cz            caracamilla.nl           jul-troja.se
virusfree.cz             casema.nl                klasspengar.se
web4u.cz                 cbr.nl                   lnu.se
zafido.cz                chello.nl                lomervarde.se
zdravestravovani.cz      citisens.nl              loopia.se
zonky.cz                 clubplanner.nl           merchsweden.se
bayern.de                degros.nl                minmyndighetspost.se
brandenburg.de           deonlinetandarts.nl      nordicprint.se
bund.de                  derooijfotografie.nl     polisen.se
bundesregierung.de       desan.nl                 sillysanta.se
datev.de                 dictu.nl                 silverdotter.se
dfn.de                   digibtw.nl               skatteverket.se
elster.de                digid.nl                 skolverket.se
ewetel.de                digitaleverkiezing.nl    sunet.se
fau.de                   dimehouse.nl             teknikdelar.se
fn.de                    dorcas.nl                theletter.se
freenet.de               duo.nl                   vaccinova.se
gmx.de                   efactuurdirect.nl        websupport.se
huellen-shop.de          esuals.nl                fio.sk
jpberlin.de              expeditionfestival.nl    kadernickyservis.sk
lmu.de                   extinctionrebellion.nl   mklozkoviny.sk
lrz.de                   ezorg.nl                 naau.sk
mail.de                  fivecityspa.nl           pneusvet.sk
mensa.de                 haargroeispecialist.nl   rondogo.sk
mpg.de                   hilversum.nl             satro.sk
posteo.de                hobbygigant.nl           toptop.sk
ruhr-uni-bochum.de       home.nl                  zapardrobnych.sk
smartwatcharmbaender.de  hostingpeople.nl         afinepairofshoes.co.uk
sys4.de                  hostnet.nl               clientnews3.co.uk
tum.de                   huurexpert.nl            clientnews4.co.uk
tutanota.de              ijsselstein.nl           nuudcare.co.uk
uni-augsburg.de          interim-netwerk.nl       triodos.co.uk
uni-bielefeld.de         kiesrijk.nl              nuudcare.us
uni-erlangen.de          kralingsebosfestival.nl  quantum-services.us
uni-muenchen.de          lico.nl                  ru.ac.za
vicinityclo.de           luxiez.nl                stargaze.zone

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