Update on stats 2020-11

Viktor Dukhovni ietf-dane at dukhovni.org
Tue Dec 1 03:24:32 CET 2020

Summary:  The DANE domain count is now 2,351,764 (up from 2,312,209 last

          The number of domains that return DNSSEC-validated replies in
          response to MX queries is 13,221,772 (up from 12,951,015 last
          month).  Thus DANE TLSA is deployed on ~17.78% of domains with

          Please be mindful of the upcoming Let's Encrypt Issuer
          CA switch from X3/X4 to R3/R4 and E1/E2.  See:


Credits:  The coverage of DNSSEC domains continues to improve with
	  ongoing data support from Paul Vixie of Farsight Security.
	  Credits also due to ICANN for gTLD data via CZDS, and to
	  the TLD registries for .CH, .COM, .DK, .FR, .INFO, .IS, .LI,
	  .NL, .NU, .ORG and .SE.  More data sources of ccTLD
	  signed delegations welcome.

As of today I count 2,351,764 domains with correct SMTP DANE TLSA
records at every primary MX host that accepts connections[1].  As
expected, the bulk of the DANE domains are hosted by the DNS/email
hosting providers who've enabled DANE support for the customer domains
they host.  The top 20 MX host providers by domain count are below.

  This month                    Last Month
  ----------                    ----------
  1,131,984 one.com             1,135,322 one.com
    145,526 transip.nl            147,497 argewebhosting.nl
    145,371 argewebhosting.nl     144,505 transip.nl
    103,043 domeneshop.no         102,517 domeneshop.no
     93,223 infomaniak.ch          91,246 loopia.se
     91,856 loopia.se              90,381 infomaniak.ch
     66,281 forpsi.com             65,843 forpsi.com
     41,628 webreus.nl             41,983 webreus.nl
     40,442 active24.com           40,816 pcextreme.nl
     40,363 pcextreme.nl           40,094 active24.com
     34,985 antagonist.nl          34,527 antagonist.nl
     30,298 zxcs.nl                30,427 vevida.com
     30,200 vevida.com             29,638 zxcs.nl
     29,937 webhostingserver.nl    26,515 web4u.cz
     26,412 web4u.cz               25,522 udmedia.de
     25,722 udmedia.de             18,409 bhosted.nl
     18,438 bhosted.nl             14,660 flexfilter.nl
     14,501 flexfilter.nl          14,272 onebit.cz
     14,340 onebit.cz              13,133 protonmail.ch
     13,807 protonmail.ch           8,151 zonemx.eu

The real numbers are surely larger, because I don't have access to the
full zone data for most ccTLDs, especially .no/.cz/.de/.eu/.be.
Speaking of countries, the IPv4 GeoIP distribution of DANE-enabled MX
hosts shows the below top 20 countries (each unique IP address is
counted, so multi-homed MX hosts are perhaps somewhat over-represented).

  This month                    Last Month
  ----------                    ----------
  7,559 TOTAL                   7,347 TOTAL
  2,386 DE, Germany             2,332 DE, Germany
  1,465 US, United States       1,439 US, United States
  1,261 NL, Netherlands         1,175 NL, Netherlands
    624 FR, France                602 FR, France
    293 GB, United Kingdom        289 GB, United Kingdom
    236 CZ, Czechia               233 CZ, Czechia
    166 CA, Canada                170 CA, Canada
    113 FI, Finland               112 FI, Finland
    111 SG, Singapore             108 SG, Singapore
     99 CH, Switzerland           102 CH, Switzerland
     90 SE, Sweden                 90 SE, Sweden
     79 DK, Denmark                76 DK, Denmark
     60 AU, Australia              56 AU, Australia
     51 AT, Austria                50 AT, Austria
     45 IE, Ireland                46 IE, Ireland
     39 IN, India                  39 IN, India
     39 BR, Brazil                 37 JP, Japan
     37 RU, Russia                 36 BR, Brazil
     37 PL, Poland                 35 RU, Russia
     35 JP, Japan                  34 PL, Poland

IPv6 is less common than IPv4 for MX hosts, and the top 20 countries by
DANE MX host IPv6 GeoIP are:

  This Month                    Last month
  ----------                    ----------
  4,384 TOTAL                   3,786 TOTAL
  1,577 DE, Germany             1,549 DE, Germany
  1,215 NL, Netherlands           628 NL, Netherlands
    598 US, United States         595 US, United States
    289 FR, France                280 FR, France
    133 CZ, Czechia               139 CZ, Czechia
    113 GB, United Kingdom        113 GB, United Kingdom
     45 SE, Sweden                 49 RU, Russia
     45 CH, Switzerland            49 CH, Switzerland
     45 CA, Canada                 43 CA, Canada
     39 SG, Singapore              38 SG, Singapore
     36 AT, Austria                36 SE, Sweden
     22 RU, Russia                 32 AT, Austria
     22 IE, Ireland                21 IE, Ireland
     19 JP, Japan                  20 JP, Japan
     18 FI, Finland                16 NO, Norway
     16 NO, Norway                 16 FI, Finland
     15 BR, Brazil                 16 DK, Denmark
     15 AU, Australia              16 AU, Australia
     14 DK, Denmark                14 LV, Latvia
     10 UA, Ukraine                14 BR, Brazil

There are 6,721 (6,457 last month) unique zones in which the underlying
MX hosts are found, this counts each of the above providers as just one
zone, so is a measure of the breadth of adoption in terms of
organizations deploying DANE SMTP.

The number of published MX host TLSA RRsets found is 11,089 (9,296 last
month).  These cover 11,288 (10,622 last month) distinct MX hosts (some
MX hosts share the same TLSA records through CNAMEs).

The number of DANE domains that at some point were listed in Gmail's
email transparency report is 409 (this is my ad-hoc criterion for a
domain being a large-enough actively used email domain).  Of these, 257
are in recent (last 90 days of) reports (see [2] below my signature).

Of the ~2.35 million domains, 13,189 (13,253 last month) have "partial"
TLSA records, that cover only a subset of the (secondary) MX hosts.
While this protects traffic to some of the MX hosts, such domains are
still vulnerable to the usual active attacks via the remaining MX hosts.

The number of domains with incorrect TLSA records or failure to offer
STARTTLS (even though TLSA records are published) stands today at 817
(771 last month).  Some of these have additional MX hosts that don't
have broken TLSA records, so mail can still arrive via the remaining MX

To avoid email outages, please make sure to monitor the validity of your
own TLSA records, and implement a reliable key rotation procedure.  See:



After eliminating parked domains that do not accept email, the number of "real"
email domains with bad DNSSEC support stands at 1491 (1431 last month).  The
top 15 name server operators with problem domains are:

  This Month                  Last month
  ----------                  ----------
  425 registrar-servers.com   412 registrar-servers.com
  406 axc.nl                  385 axc.nl
  107 movenext.nl             107 movenext.nl
   89 ebola.cz                 85 ebola.cz
   25 tiscomhosting.nl         25 tiscomhosting.nl
   25 mijndomein.nl            25 eatserver.nl
   24 eatserver.nl             20 epik.com
   22 epik.com                 18 metaregistrar.nl
   17 infracom.nl              18 infracom.nl
   15 cloudflare.com           14 cloudflare.com
   13 ns01.nl                  12 ns01.nl
   11 nrdns.nl                 12 nrdns.nl
   11 iterik.nu                11 sylconia.net
   11 accenture.com            11 iterik.nu
   10 sylconia.net             10 mobi-net.ch

If anyone has good contacts at some of these providers, please encourage
them to remediate not only the broken domains (I can send them a list),
but also the root cause that makes the breakage possible.

Seven of the domains all whose nameservers have broken denial of existence
appear in the last 120 days of Google transparency reports:



[1] Some domains deliberately include MX hosts that are always down,
presumably as a hurdle to botnet SMTP code that gives up where real MTAs
might persist.  I am not a fan of this type of defence (it can also
impose undue latency on legitimate email).  However, provided the dead
hosts still have TLSA records, (which don't need to match anything, just
need to exist and be well-formed) there's no loss of security.

[2] DANE domains appearing in last 90 days of Google Email transparency

  univie.ac.at                  gmx.de                   mailplus.nl
  gmx.at                        jpberlin.de              markteffectmail.nl
  boozyshop.be                  lrz.de                   mijnuvt.nl
  tjek.be                       mail.de                  minbuza.nl
  triodos.be                    mailserver4.de           minbzk.nl
  clubedohardware.com.br        mensa.de                 mindef.nl
  corridaeaventura.com.br       mpg.de                   mkbbelangen.nl
  nic.br                        posteo.de                mm1.nl
  registro.br                   ruhr-uni-bochum.de       nieuwsservice-rvo.nl
  abuse.ch                      tum.de                   ns.nl
  gmx.ch                        uni-erlangen.de          ouderportaal.nl
  hostpoint.ch                  uni-muenchen.de          overheid.nl
  infomaniak.ch                 unitybox.de              parlement.nl
  open.ch                       unitymedia.de            partijvoordedieren.nl
  protonmail.ch                 web.de                   pathe.nl
  switch.ch                     westlotto.de             politie.nl
  altospam.com                  dfi.dk                   powerslim.nl
  connectsb.com                 dk-hostmaster.dk         pp-prd.nl
  datev.com                     egmontpublishing.dk      previder.nl
  ecstase.com                   hormonterapeut.dk        rijksoverheid.nl
  fmc-na.com                    netic.dk                 rotterdam.nl
  gmx.com                       nota.dk                  ru.nl
  habr.com                      powerhosting.dk          rvo.nl
  horagames.com                 star.dk                  sans-mail.nl
  hotelsinduitsland.com         tilburguniversity.edu    schoudercom.nl
  imcnig.com                    just.ee                  schuurman-schoenen.nl
  infomaniak.com                spam-filter.email        sportrusten.nl
  ingthink.com                  spike.email              ssonet.nl
  intakt.com                    spotler.email            stater.nl
  joomlapolis.com               rediris.es               telefoonglaasje.nl
  kpn.com                       triodos.es               ticketapp.nl
  leszexpertsfle.com            uv.es                    triodos.nl
  mail.com                      inetadmin.eu             truetickets.nl
  mammoetmail.com               zone.eu                  tweedekamer.nl
  matilhadobemadestramento.com  zonevs.eu                uitgeverijpica.nl
  one.com                       ac-strasbourg.fr         utwente.nl
  orverkiezing.com              bloctel.fr               uvt.nl
  protonmail.com                compagnie-des-sens.fr    vu.nl
  protonvpn.com                 kangouroukids.fr         xs4all.nl
  solvinity.com                 orsys.fr                 zorgmail.nl
  stater.com                    srci.fr                  annabellstefanussen.no
  stellarequipment.com          fidesz.hu                derute.no
  t-2.com                       mszp.hu                  domeneshop.no
  telfort.com                   interestexplorer.io      handelsbanken.no
  thalesgroup.com               pm.me                    idrettenonline.no
  thepcw.com                    comcast.net              nordicprint.no
  triodos.com                   gmx.net                  norskgrammatikk.no
  ugritone.com                  habramail.net            rushtrampoline.no
  veganallsorts.com             hr-manager.net           uib.no
  vitstore.com                  inexio.net               viphuset.no
  xfinity.com                   mijngezondheid.net       atelkamera.nu
  xfinityhomesecurity.com       mpssec.net               goget.nu
  xfinitymobile.com             nedport.net              lenhud.nu
  active24.cz                   procurios.net            debian.org
  akce-incomputer.cz            ripe.net                 freebsd.org
  amenit.cz                     riseup.net               gentoo.org
  atlas.cz                      t-2.net                  ietf.org
  blueconsulting.cz             transip.net              isc.org
  centrum.cz                    triodos.net              mailbox.org
  cuni.cz                       xs4all.net               mailop.org
  isetos.cz                     123watches.nl            netbsd.org
  isportsystem.cz               amsterdam.nl             openssl.org
  itesco.cz                     awcloud.nl               ozlabs.org
  klenotyaurum.cz               belastingdienst.nl       samba.org
  klubpevnehozdravi.cz          bhosted.nl               torproject.org
  krypton.cz                    bhsupport.nl             whatpulse.org
  omvnovinky.cz                 bluerail.nl              asf.com.pt
  onebit.cz                     boekwinkeltjes.nl        boplatssyd-automail.se
  optimail.cz                   bolerolimonadewinkel.nl  digitaltolk.se
  poptavej.cz                   boozyshop.nl             ecster.se
  reserved.cz                   burgernet.nl             ekokul.se
  smtp.cz                       buzaservices.nl          handelsbanken.se
  vas-server.cz                 cbr.nl                   loopia.se
  vcelka.cz                     chipbizz.nl              minmyndighetspost.se
  virusfree.cz                  corpoflow.nl             nordicprint.se
  volny.cz                      derooijfotografie.nl     personligalmanacka.se
  zdravestravovani.cz           dictu.nl                 skatteverket.se
  bayern.de                     digid.nl                 teknikdelar.se
  brandenburg.de                duo.nl                   theletter.se
  bund.de                       efactuurdirect.nl        websupport.se
  bundesregierung.de            ezorg.nl                 kadernickyservis.sk
  datev.de                      gerryweber.nl            triodos.co.uk
  dfn.de                        hostingpeople.nl         govtrack.us
  elster.de                     hr.nl                    quantum-services.us
  fau.de                        hro.nl                   ru.ac.za
  freenet.de                    interim-netwerk.nl

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