Update on stats 2018-03
Viktor Dukhovni
ietf-dane at dukhovni.org
Sun Apr 1 20:56:55 CEST 2018
Summary: The total domain count is now 185948. Approximately 6500
of the ~10000 new domains result from processing a new
source for some additional .no and .nl domain nanes.
The number DNSSEC domains in the survey stands at 5382667,
thus DANE TLSA is deployed on 3.45% of domains with DNSSEC.
Many DNSSEC domains use third-party MX hosts, that don't
have DNSSEC, so they can't benefit from DANE until their
providers secure the MX hosts. Please ask your provider
to enable DNSSEC and DANE on their MX hosts. [ It would
be especially significant if "redirect.ovh.net" were to
implement DNSSEC+DANE. If someone personally knows the
right people to gently nudge at ovh.net, please do. ]
As of today I count 185948 domains with correct SMTP DANE TLSA
records at every primary MX host that accepts connections[1]. As
expected the bulk of the DANE domains are hosted by the handful of
DNS/hosting providers who've enabled DANE support in bulk for the
domains they host. The top 10 MX host providers by domain count
73807 domeneshop.no
65101 transip.nl
19168 udmedia.de
6177 bhosted.nl
1807 nederhost.nl
1228 yourdomainprovider.net
867 ec-elements.com
748 surfmailfilter.nl
542 core-networks.de
438 omc-mail.de
The real numbers are surely larger, because I don't have access to
the full zone data for most ccTLDs, especially .no/.nl/.de. Speaking
of countries, the IPv4 GeoIP distribution of DANE-enabled MX hosts
shows the below top 10 countries (each unique IP address is counted,
so multi-homed MX hosts are perhaps somewhat over-represented):
1289 DE, Germany
830 US, United States
457 NL, Netherlands
338 FR, France
164 GB, United Kingdom
109 CZ, Czech Republic
80 CA, Canada
59 SE, Sweden
58 CH, Switzerland
50 BR, Brazil
IPv6 is still comparatively rare for MX hosts, and the top 10
countries by DANE MX host IPv6 GeoIP are (same top 6).
710 DE, Germany
407 US, United States
255 NL, Netherlands
195 FR, France
102 GB, United Kingdom
58 CZ, Czech Republic
33 SE, Sweden
25 CH, Switzerland
23 SG, Singapore
14 SI, Slovenia
There are 3372 unique zones in which the underlying MX hosts are
found, this counts each of the above providers as just one zone,
so is a measure of the breadth of adoption in terms of servers
The number of published MX host TLSA RRsets found is 4544. These
cover 4834 distinct MX hosts (some MX hosts share the same TLSA
records through CNAMEs). [ Previous reports inadvertently included
some "orphan" MX hosts in the database, that are no longer tied to
any domains, these are no longer reported, so the numbers are
somewhat smaller this month. Without the correction, the numbers
would have been 5485 and 5795. ]
The number of domains that at some point were listed in Gmail's
email transparency report is 131 (this is my ad-hoc criterion for
a domain being a large-enough actively used email domain). Of
these, 72 are in recent reports:
gmx.at posteo.de pathe.nl
travelbirdbelgique.be ruhr-uni-bochum.de politie.nl
nic.br tum.de uvt.nl
registro.br uni-erlangen.de xs4all.nl
gmx.ch unitybox.de domeneshop.no
open.ch unitymedia.de handelsbanken.no
anubisnetworks.com web.de webcruitermail.no
gmx.com dk-hostmaster.dk aegee.org
isavedialogue.com egmontpublishing.dk debian.org
mail.com tilburguniversity.edu freebsd.org
solvinity.com insee.fr gentoo.org
trashmail.com octopuce.fr ietf.org
xfinity.com comcast.net isc.org
xfinityhomesecurity.com dd24.net netbsd.org
xfinitymobile.com dns-oarc.net openssl.org
bayern.de gmx.net samba.org
bund.de hr-manager.net torproject.org
elster.de mpssec.net asf.com.pt
fau.de t-2.net handelsbanken.se
freenet.de xs4all.net minmyndighetspost.se
gmx.de bhosted.nl skatteverket.se
jpberlin.de boozyshop.nl t-2.si
lrz.de ouderportaal.nl mail.co.uk
mail.de overheid.nl govtrack.us
Of the ~186000 domains, 1500 have "partial" TLSA records, that cover
only a subset of the MX hosts. While this protects traffic to some
of the MX hosts, such domains are still vulnerable to the usual
active attacks via the remaining MX hosts.
The number of domains with incorrect TLSA records or failure to
advertise STARTTLS (even though TLSA records are published) stands
today at 202. Some of these also have MX hosts that don't have
broken TLSA records, so mail can still arrive via the remaining MX
hosts. Below is the list of underlying MX hosts that serve these
domains and whose TLSA records don't match reality:
Hall of Shame:
88oddil.cz mail.itconnect.ro mx1.em54.net
andbraiz.com mail.itsmine.com mx1.em56.net
andersonvasconcelos.com.br mail.labbrack.se mx1.email.youwerehere.info
anubis.delphij.net mail.lavabit.no mx2.aquasoft.cz
bounder.steelyard.nl mail.lsd.is mx2.em54.net
coolmx.net-art.cz mail.mxdove.com mx2.em56.net
demo.liveconfig.com mail.myzt.nl mx2.email.youwerehere.info
diablo.sgt.com mail.netistan.ch mx2.mindrun.de
din.mta.din.cz mail.nonoserver.info mx2.pfp.de
eufront.stansoft.bg mail.olgui.net petg.cz
eumembers.stansoft.bg mail.pasion.ro pinus.dafcorp.net
gaia.nfx.cz mail.rapidfuse.io plesk2.acknowledge.nl
gamepixel.eu mail.rostit.se pop.co.za
goldcars.mta.din.cz mail.scrz44.de rootbox.me
gsmapp.com.br mail.seslost.cz sat-an--net.mta.din.cz
homer.jpbe.de mail.victorycity.com.hk servmail.fr
intranet.nctechcenter.com mail.voorschoten.nl smtp-1.httrack.com
itaskmanager.ovh mail.wassenaar.nl smtp.bl.lybre.net
kou--li.mta.din.cz mail.werkorganisatieduivenvoorde.nl smtp.klam.com
ma.qbitnet.com mail.wodv.nl smtp.sauron-mordor.net
mail.3c7.de mail.zionbit.cz smtp1.lococensus.nl
mail.abanto-zierbena.org mail.zx.com smtp2.lococensus.nl
mail.all4.de mail2.subse.eu solventtruck.mta.din.cz
mail.allq.cz mail2.victorycity.com.hk stmics01.smia-automotive.com
mail.bacrau.ro mailb.kamadu.eu stmics02.smia-automotive.com
mail.castleturing.net maxhunter.com.br tusk.sgt.com
mail.davidbodnar.cz milhouse.jpbe.de vm-1.eveng.de
mail.digitalwebpros.com mminetto.com.br vps.du.ie
mail.diplomatic.email mx.bels.cz wantuz.shannara.ru
mail.dnsmadefree.com mx.datenknoten.me webmail.headsite.se
mail.efflam.net mx.itconnect.ro webmail.kassoft.eu
mail.familie-sander.rocks mx.mail.klinknetz.de webmail.vivisol.nl
mail.fscker.nl mx.promail.saarland wizard.itsmine.com
mail.i-bible.com mx01.qusign.net www.mtg.de
Please make sure to monitor the validity of your TLSA records, and
implement a reliable key rotation procedure. See:
After eliminating parked domains that do not accept email of any
kind, the number of "real" email domains with bad DNSSEC support
stands at 104. The top 10 name server operators with problem
domains are:
8 psb1.org
7 tse.jus.br
7 active24.cz
6 tiscomhosting.nl
5 nazwa.pl
5 metaregistrar.nl
4 ignum.com
4 glbns.com
4 army.mil
4 1cocomo.com
Only one domain all whose nameservers have broken denial of existsnce
appears in historical Google reports:
the monkeybrains.net SOA record is likely modified *after* the zone
is signed, making negative replies "bogus".
[1] Some domains deliberately include MX hosts that are always
down, presumably as a hurdle to botnet SMTP code that gives up
where real MTAs might persist. I am not a fan of this type of
defence (it can also impose undue latency on legitimate email).
However, provided the dead hosts still have TLSA records, (which
don't need to match anything, just need to exist and be well-formed)
there's no loss of security.
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