multiple imap or pop3 entries

Christian Rößner c at
Tue Feb 28 17:29:27 CET 2017


> Am 28.02.2017 um 11:56 schrieb Wolfgang Rosenauer <wolfgang at>:
> Hi,
> at least the mozilla specification allows to provide multiple
> definitions for services. For example I would like to specify IMAP/SSL
> but also would like to give the option of IMAP/STARTTLS.
> I'm not actually sure if that is relevant in practice but I had it like
> this before and it is explicitely mentioned in some mozilla
> documentation so I went with that.
> Now trying to replace my own solution with automx and miss that feature.

This feature exists by adding a "follow = foo" block. This "foo" Block can then have a backend like "static_append" which adds additional settings.

backend = static

Your settings here for your primary default

follow = some_addons

backend = static_append

Your other settings here

You can add as many follow blocks as you want :) The name for the follow statement might be whatever you like. It should NOT be a domain!

Hope that helped

Erlenwiese 14, 36304 Alsfeld
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